59 Prospect Lenina, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622034 Russia

tel: +7 (3435) 42-18-41
fax: +7 (3435) 42-06-16
e-mail: expo-tour@list.ru


27 Jul 2024
Dear Participants and Guests!

   During the Exhibition Service Center “EXPO–TOUR” provides an every day transfer from the hotel to the Exhibition site and back by bus or minibus together with other participants and guests. This service is included in the room-price (except Yekaterinburg hotels, as the room-prices in those hotels are noted without an every day transfer from the hotel to the Exhibition site and back).
   In other days Service Center “EXPO-TOUR” offers additional transportation services in the program of servicing your delegation.
   You should choose the service and note it in your Reservation list for us to provide the chosen service and the category of service. Depending on your application you will be provided the appropriate level of service. We recommend you to read the information about the conditions of servicing carefully to avoid misunderstanding.

The cost of transportation on “Arrival” and “Departure” on Tariff “I” (“Individual”)

The price of a car
for a group 1-3 persons
for a group 4-10 persons
Railroad station in Nizhny Tagil – Hotel in Nizhny Tagil or back
available on request
available on request
Railroad station in Yekaterinburg – Hotel in Yekaterinburg or back
available on request
available on request
Railroad station in Yekaterinburg – Hotel in Nizhny Tagil or back
available on request
available on request
Airport “Koltsovo” – Hotel in Nizhny Tagil or back
available on request
available on request
Airport “Koltsovo” – Hotel in Yekaterinburg or back
available on request
available on request
   In case you have ordered and paid for transfer to the hotel for you or your company’s employees, you should inform Service Center “EXPO–TOUR” managers by phone / fax +7(3435) 42-06-16 or by e-mail: expo-tour@list.ru about the date and time of your flight 48 hours before arrival.

   Cost of services on tariff «VIP» is calculated individually with reference to each personal trip. The price list is provided on request. VIP-hall service in the “Koltsovo” airport is specified to the date of order.

   SERVICE "TRANSFER TO THE EXHIBITION SITE" ("Hotel - Exhibition site - Hotel")

If you wish, we can organize an individual transfer to the Exhibition site and back. We offer two tariffs on this service - Tariff "I" ("Individual") and Tariff "VIP".
Transfer "Hotel - Exhibition site - Hotel"
The price of a car
Tariff "I"("Individual") from Nizhny Tagil
For a group of
For a group of
   Transfer from a hotel in Nizhny Tagil to the Exhibition site and back by car or minibus.
   The time of using a car is set: the car will come to the opening and to the end of working day to the Exhibition site. The participant or guest can set the time of coming and going back from the Exhibition the day before. The car does not wait for the guest or participant.
available on request
available on request
Tariff "I" ("Individual") from Yekaterinburg
For a group of
For a group of
   Transfer from a hotel in Yekaterinburg to the Exhibition site and back by car or minibus.
   The time of using a car is not set. The participant or guest can set the time of coming and going back from the Exhibition the day before. The car waits for the guest or participant. The hours of waiting are paid according to the tariff of renting a car per hour.
available on request + the cost of renting a car
(the cost of hours of waiting)
available on request + the cost of renting a car
(the cost of hours of waiting)
Tariff "VIP"
For a group of
For a group of
   Transfer from a hotel to the Exhibition site and back by a VIP-car or a VIP-minivan. Going back to the hotel is possible at any time. Total time of working with a client is not less than 10 hours per day. The calculation of payment for you will be done individually depending on the car-class and the total time of using the car. If you order a “VIP” class transfer, we will provide you with the pass to the guided parking lot at the Exhibition site.
The cost varies from 1800 rub. per hour depending on the car brand


   For those, who would like to make independent trips, Service Center "EXPO-TOUR" offers cars and minivans with a driver. If you need a person to accompany you or a guide-interpreter, we can also provide you with this service. Below are prices for the additional transportation services.
   The cost of transportation on renting a car

Name of service
Price per hour
Cars with a driver:
“Economic” class car
available on request
Minivan ("GAZelle")
available on request
Business-class car
available on request
Cars with a driver and a representative:
“Economic” class car
available on request
Minivan ("GAZelle")
available on request
Business-class car
available on request

Conditions of renting a car:

   The Customer pays 100 per cent of working hours of car-rent.
   After elapsing the paid time of car-rent, the Customer is to pay additionally for every following hour of using the car.
   Rounding off the time is done to 30 minutes increasing.
   The Customer pays for all the paid parking lots during renting the car.
   All the hour's trips are made only within the precincts of the town and cannot exceed more than 15 kilometers per hour. Exceeding of the distance is 30 rub. per kilometer.
   If you use the car in the suburbs, add the cost of the sum on intertown trips.
   The cost of intertown trips is 30 rub. per kilometer.
   The Customer cannot force the driver to break traffic regulations.
   Smoking is allowed only in consent with the driver.
   If the Customer damages the car, he should pay for the damage.
   If the car breaks, the Executor replaces it for a car with agreement of the Customer.
   If the Customer cancels the car, he is to pay the sum of one working hour.

   - you can order a car for 4 hours minimum. Add 1 hour for a car arriving;
   - if you use a car from 10 p.m. to 07 a.m., the price of the service increases for 20%.
   - the cost of the guarded parking lot at the "Koltsovo" airport - on the tariffs of the day of arrival and departure.
   - automobile pass to guarded parking lot, for 1 day is available on request;
   - automobile pass to guarded parking lot, for 5 days is available on request.

   You don't have to pay the driver.

   If you order a car or a minivan, please pay attention, that in the majority of them there is no special baggage section. Folding back seats compensates that. That is why we recommend you to order cars and minivans according to the number of persons and baggage!

   Payment of the transport services should be done by cheque or cash to Service Center "EXPO-TOUR". Transportation services, ordered during the event is paid only cash to Service Center "EXPO-TOUR".

   In case of sharp increase in the prices (more, than on 5 %) for fuel and energy, the Executor reserves the right to increase service cost.

59 Prospect Lenina, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622034 Russia
tel: +7 (3435) 00-00-00 fax: +7 (3435) 00-00-00 FOR SALE - 400$
Information provided by FSE "Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing" www.ntiim.ru
Nizhny Tagil