59 Prospect Lenina, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622034 Russia

tel: +7 (3435) 42-18-41
fax: +7 (3435) 42-06-16
e-mail: expo-tour@list.ru


22 Oct 2024
Dear Participants and Guest!

   Service Center "EXPO-TOUR" is glad to welcome you in the Urals. We are ready to offer you excursions around Nizhny Tagil, Yekaterinburg and other cities. Nizhny Tagil is a developing center of various Exhibitions. Nizhny Tagil is ready to welcome all the people coming to us.

   All the excursions for the participants and guests of Exhibition will be held by comfortable buses and cars with professional guides. You will be able to order excursions by phones (3435) 42-06-16, 42-18-41 or in the Service Center "EXPO-TOUR" office at the Exhibition site.
   Orders for individual excursions are considered depending on the quantity of persons in the group and transportation.
   Price-list is available on request.
   In addition to that, in Service Center "EXPO-TOUR" you can get the information on cultural and entertaining programs held in Nizhny Tagil.

A Sightseeing Tour "Nizhny Tagil: the Past and the Present of the City"
(Total tour time - 2-2,5 hours)
   Nizhny Tagil is the second large city in Sverdlovsk region. The leading role in the economics of the city and of Russia play the Ural Car-Making Works (FSUE "Uralvagonzavod"), Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, Chemical Factory "Planta" and other works.
   During the excursion you will be able to get to know with the history of the city, its sights, ancient streets and churches. You will see the picturesque view of the Urals with charming woods and forests and mountains. You will also be able to visit the unique Local Arts and Crafts Museum.

A Sightseeing Tour "Nizhny Tagil Churches"
(Total tour time - 3 hours)
   Temples in Russia always were and are an integral part of Russian spirit and culture. It is interesting, though it is tragic, the destiny of temples of Nizhny Tagil. Stone buildings of numerous churches were one of the basic ornaments of our pre-revolutionary city. They were under construction at various times under projects, both local serf, and hired architects. Many serf masters of the most various trades took part in a construction of temples, their furnish, manufacturing of various cult subjects. How many they were? Orthodox churches and old believe monasteries, a female monastery and a Mohammedan mosque.
   The Excursion acquaints with religion history in Ural Mountains, the device and appointment of a Christian Temple, with orthodox holidays, ceremonies, history of some temples and monasteries of Nizhny Tagil.

The Museum of OJSC "Research and production corporation "UralVagonZavod"
   The museum of armoured technics which is a component of the Museum complex, represents the history of design thought, process of evolution of average and basic tanks. It is constructed in the enterprise territory in 1986 by order of general director V.K.Sotnikov to the 50-th anniversary of creation of Ural Carriage-Building Plant. It was accessible to only narrow circle of experts. In 1997 the building was returned to initial mission. The exposition which organized groups of visitors could see was opened here. In the year 2006 to significant dates - to the 70-th anniversary of the enterprise and the 65-th anniversary of manufacture of tanks - the museum building has been reconstructed and deduced for association territory, are updated and its expositions are considerably filled up.
   In the museum product samples of the Ural Carriage-Building Plant, the largest enterprise for manufacture of tanks in the post-war USSR and modern Russia are collected. Here it is possible to see both T-34 release of 1943, and the most up-to-date Т-90 tanks. Both these tanks are on the move and regularly take part in exhibitions of arms "RUSSIAN EXPO ARMS" in Nizhny Tagil. In the museum it is possible to see tanks T-54, Т-55, Т-62, Т-72 of various updatings, and as rare skilled objects 140 and 167Т and rocket IТ-1. All exhibits are in the fine condition, many are on the move. It is possible to look at some tanks from within.

The Museum-Exhibition Center of Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant
   The Museum-Exhibition Center of Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant is a visiting card of the works.
   It was opened in 1975. At first it was small, but now the Museum-Exhibition Center has more than 1500 sq. meters of exhibitional squares. It also has more than 10,000 exhibits in its repository.
   The design of the Museum-Exhibition Center is done to European standards and by individual art project.

Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts
   A part of the Demidovs' art collection was the basis of the Museum of Fine Arts. This Museum was opened in the middle of the XXth century. In the Museum you can see pictures of A. Ryabushkin, V. Khudoyarov, I. Repin, I. Levitan, I. Aivazovsky.
   The world famous are works of modern artists. Their colourful pictures are held in private and state collections of Russia, Germany, Japan, Poland, Canada, Italy and other countries.

Excursion to the Border of Europe-Asia; "Travelling In Time"
(Total tour time - 5 hours)
   During the excursion you will learn who was the first to draw a border between Europe and Asia in the Ural Mountains, where the first sign of the border was, where the names "Europe" and "Asia" came from. You will learn the history of appearing the Old Believers' village Gorbunovo, Chernoistochinsk, the history of appearing the unique hidro-system "Ushkovsky canal". The excursion will finish near one of the monuments at the border of the two parts - Europe and Asia.
   In the end you will be given the certificate about this event.

"To the Motherland of the Urals Writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Village Visim"
(Total tour time - 6-7 hours)
   During the excursion you will come to the place, which became the source of the creative inspiration of the writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.
   In the village Visim in the literature-memorial museum you will learn the life and literal heritage of the writer.
   On the way to Visim you will cross the watershed of the main mountain ridge of the Urals. It will be possible to make pictures at the border of Europe and Asia.
   For additional fee it will be possible to get entertaining program: visiting a typical Visim house, tasting pies and pancakes, taking part in Russian pastime, visiting tea-house, welcoming the guests by a folklore group.

Nevyansk: "To the First Ural Plant"
(Total tour time - 5 hours)
   Nevyansk is located at the 50 kilometers' distance from Nizhny Tagil on Neyva river. You will be able to learn about Nevyans (Neyvinsk) Iron and Steel and other old Ural plants. In the architecture of the town a falling tower is distinguished.
   During the excursion you will go to the falling tower, meet a unique clock of the tower having a bell chime, whispering room and a secret laboratory, where the Demidovs made their silver money. You will also visit the Cathedral and the Local Crafts Museum.

Verkhoturie: "By the Road of Pilgrims and Pioneers-Explorers"
(Total tour time - 10 hours)
   Verkhoturie is one of the oldest towns of Sverdlovsk region.
   For many years Verkhoturie was a large Orthodox Church region in the East of our country. By the beginning of the XX century there have been 15 churches, cathedrals and chapels in Verkhoturie. The pearl of the town is the Kremlin, which was built by Peter the Great law. There is also a unique Cathedral, which is named to be one of the 115 greatest memorials of the world.
   During the excursion you will visit the only monastery Orthodox museum that can be found in Sverdlovsk region. You will have the opportunity to visit the Verkhoturie Kremlin dated back to the XVIII century, Nickolaevsky Monastery and Pokrovsky Nunnery.

Yekaterinburg, the Memorial Complex Ganina Yama
(Total tour time - 10 hours)
   Yekaterinburg is an industrial and cultural center of Russia.
   In this city the former Emperor Nicolas II spent the last hours of his life. He and his family were shot in the cellar of one of Yekaterinburg houses. There is a Cathedral on that place now.
   You will be able to go around the Cathedral. You will see the "Shooting" room, memorial things of the Romanovs, icons made of the Ural stones, the only marble iconostasis in Russia.
   Then you will visit Ganina Yama, where a monastery in honor of the saint tsar victims was founded. It was built in the best Russian traditions.

59 Prospect Lenina, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622034 Russia
tel: +7 (3435) 00-00-00 fax: +7 (3435) 00-00-00 FOR SALE - 400$
Information provided by FSE "Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing" www.ntiim.ru
Nizhny Tagil