59 Prospect Lenina, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622034 Russia

tel: +7 (3435) 42-18-41
fax: +7 (3435) 42-06-16
e-mail: expo-tour@list.ru


27 Jul 2024
Dear Participants and Guests!

   We are glad to offer you the services of guide-interpreters (English and German). Representatives of our company can accompany you both at the Exhibition Site and in the city.

You can order an interpreter for 3 hours minimum.
Double tariff is applied when the work of an interpreter exceeds 8 hours.

Cost per hour
Cost per day
(8 hours)
Oral consecutive translation.
price on reques
price on reques
Oral consecutive translation. Stand assistant.
price on reques
price on reques
Oral consecutive translation. Conference work.
>= price on reques
Available on request
Synchronous translation at business negotiations.
>= price on reques
Available on request

59 Prospect Lenina, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622034 Russia
tel: +7 (3435) 00-00-00 fax: +7 (3435) 00-00-00 FOR SALE - 400$
Information provided by FSE "Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing" www.ntiim.ru
Nizhny Tagil